The Guillemots - From The Cliffs
Suspicious of pan-global music machines? Hmm, me too. The Guillemots hail from all o'er the place but, ahh, that usual anathema ain't such a thing in this case. These are beautiful tunes - part Doves, part The Cure, part Mercury Rev and part dozens of other aural sensations (in short, I guess, it's as original as a Theremin once was but it sounds, well, like a friend whispering sweet nuthins in your ear prior to conducting all kinds of sonic experiments). The ridiculously short opening track Sake gives no clues as to what will follow. Yet a long-term relationship with singer Fyfe Dangerfield - a breathless, pained Robert Smith sort - starts the second Trains To Brazil strikes up and doesn't cease until we've rolled all over the floor with them for eight tracks, culminating with an orgasm or three by My Chosen One. I want their babies.
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