Friday, June 09, 2006

Primal Scream - Riot City Blues

Is Bobby Gillespie under the impression that the rest of us have never heard of The Rolling Stones? That we don't already possess a copy of Beggars Banquet? That we've never skinned up atop the cover of our tatty vinyl version of Exile On Main Street? But here we go again. Oh yes, Primal Scream have returned to their fake Stones stylings.

To some, to those that love Give Out But Don't Give Up and those that have been getting their rocks off ever since they heard Bob's mob running through Jailbird, this will be good news. But here's a band that just can't make up their mind who they bloody want to be.

Y'see, homage to Keef and Mick aside, Give Out... and Screamadelica were majestic pieces of work. And then they decided to spurn all the riffery in favour of some good old fashioned tuneless electronica and god awful dross, starting with Vanishing Point and heading on a downward spiral that resulted in less melodies, more knob twiddling and, eventually, a band too painful to even bother to download at nada expense.

But now they're right back where they started. I want to hate Riot City Blues, because it's exactly what I thought Primal Scream should always be doing: Ballsy, in your face, fuck you little sister rock 'n' roll. Oh, yes, Gillespie, you've led us on a right old merry dance and I must remember to hit you if your scrawny ass ever crosses my path.

Trouble is, I fucking love Riot City Blues. It's the best thing I've heard in months. My feet just won't stop tapping. Excuse the wholesale theft of all things Stones, and from Country Girl to Sometimes I Feel Lonely, every one's a winner. Please, Bobby, stick to being this much fun in future, or I'll be forced to XTRMNT you.


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